Tag Archives: poems

A Poem

The earth doesn't need us. How does that make you feel?
Taste a poem.
There are no consequences for your actions. Do you give or do you take?
Feel a song.
The one substance needed for life to exist rains from the sky in vast quantities, yet we buy it in small toxic containers from people we don't know only to throw the container away so someone else will throw it on the ground somewhere we don't have to look at it anymore.
Smell a landscape.

View the world.
Sense your place in it.

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Filed under poetry

A Poem

The ice glistens,
The fire crackles,
The joints creak,
The tea steams,
The soup boils,
The mind turns inward.

The winter approaches.


Filed under art, poetry

A Poem

We are each of us a microorganism - a thing so small that we are not even aware of the true size of our environment.
We can not comprehend even the simplest of principles within our own ecosystem; it would be arrogant to think we could understand the universe.
We are each of us an ecosystem, a world, a galaxy, a universe - so vastly large that we are not even aware of the smallest parts of our own body; it would be arrogant to think we could understand ourselves.
Somewhere within us a speck writes a poem - we are oblivious to its existence and the beauty of its life and its art.
Somewhere outside of us a being walks a path - it is oblivious to our existence and the beauty of our lives and our art.
The speck, although invisible and unknowable to us, can easily cause our demise if its energy is harmful.
What is your energy?

~Anonymous Appalachian Agrarian

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Filed under art, poetry