Monthly Archives: April 2019

Garden Row Markers – Woodburning


Over the years, we have made many attempts at differentiating all the rows of a garden in some way that’s easily visible while in the garden.  Each of them has failed in one way or another.  This year, with the arrival of our 8 year old daughter’s All Season Strawberry Collection from Burpee’s, we decided to try yet another iteration of the garden row marker – woodburning. Continue reading

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Meat Rabbits; or How Children Can Provide Substantial Assistance on a Homestead, Part 1


Mature breeding buck

A few years ago we began asking the children this question: “If you could pick one farm project, what would it be?”  We got many wide-ranging answers, some realistic, some not.  One answer was given by our son – meat rabbits.  Our first step was to have him do what free and readily available research he could.  Once he exhausted our own home library, we bought the Storey’s Guide to Raising Rabbits, a pre-owned copy of course.  The Storey’s Guide series are one of our go-to introductions to any topic.  They are well-written by experts in the specific topic relevant to each book, they start from the beginning specifically for someone with no knowledge of the topic, and they go into enough detail that anyone could start that project without a more advanced book. Continue reading

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Filed under agrarianism, children, homeschooling, homesteading, rabbits